Bachelor Courses


If you choose to do a Bachelor's course through Irish (it doesn't have to be about Irish), Brí Uíbh Ráhaigh can give you support of €700 in the first year (50% after the first round of exams and the second half after end of year exams, if you pass).

This support is only available to those who are to start the course in 2024. It is not available to those already studying at university.


support for participants of Irish-language residence schemes

If you register with the university's Scéim Chónaithe (Irish-language Residence Scheme), we can give you support of €300 towards accommodation and board costs.

Available to those registered from September 2024.

support for members of irish language societies

If you are on the committee of the university's Cumann Gaelach, we can give you support of €150 after you have spent a year on the committee.

Available to those who will be on the committee from September 2024.

These are pilot schemes.

If you are interested, please contact us.


Postgraduate Courses


Have you considered doing a postgraduate course in Irish?

There's a grant available from Brí Uíbh Ráthaigh for you!

  • €500 for an MA course

  • €150 for a Diploma or Certificate course

To be eligible for the grant you must live in South Kerry. The grant budget is limited.

DCU in cooperation with Brí Uíbh Ráthaigh will be running a Masters course in South Kerry in 2024-2026.


Postgraduate course, NFQ level: 9
Part time course, 3 weekends per semester:

  • 2 weekends in South Kerry;

  • one weekend on the DCU campus in Dublin.

Duration: 2 years

The course is delivered through the medium of Irish.

If you are interested, please contact us.


Microcredential Courses

Microcredential Courses (or MicroCreds) - short courses (12-24 weeks) run and accredited by third level institutions.

Brí Uíbh Ráthaigh is willing to cover 50% of the fee for a MicroCred course through the medium of Irish for people living in Uíbh Ráthach.
Brí Uíbh Ráthaigh cannot provide this support if you receive the HCI Micro-credential Learner Fee Subsidy.